What will you do if your family members use paper to pat on your lo's head?

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I wouldnt do anything, i guess its very much to each its own. Some may not be bothered by it, some may not like it. If it bothers you perhaps you should tell them nicely not to do it. Or ask yourself why are you upset, if baby is happy or does not seem bothered im usually okay. Unless baby seems disturbed or irritated by it. Then again, dont feel bad dear, everyone is different.

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I have only heard before cannot hit LO head.. as will make them stupid or some brain development but not sure how true.. but again is old wives tale... If u feel offended, maybe can ask y hit LO's head...

Actions or words has no actual meaning. The only real meaning its the one that you perceived. If you feel offended maybe you should ask why you felt that way? Perhaps you are unhappy about things already?

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paper? What kind of paper? Maybe there is some grandparents saying of patting lo's head with paper. Maybe you try finding out what they meant by doing that!

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8y trước

It's like a letter from letter box.