
what can help with leg cramps? especially at night.

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Try not to expose yourself with direct fan wind or aircon for a long period of time cuz your legs might catch the cold wind, hence the cramps! That is what happens to me! Always cover your legs with blanket if your room is cold

Stretch the leg and point toes inward when the cramp hits. That's about all you can do I think! :) good luck hope it eases up for you!

i did stretching and lifting legs up but it didn't help.. so husband woke up to help relieve the leg cramps whenever 😉👍

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Pillow is helpful .. but still we get, may better to take more nutritious food n multivitamins as per doc prescription

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Soak in warm water or lift your leg higher when you sleep. Normally ill put a pillow at my thigh and sleep

I ask my husband to help me rub my legs. I always wake up suddenly due to the cramps..

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wear socks to sleep. it did helped me during and after pregnancy. do stretchings too

I put a pillow beneath my legs and massage em in the day 😀

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Do some calf stretches before bed

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I put a pillow below my leg.