ectopic pregnancy symptoms
What is ectopic pregnancy meaning? what are the ectopic pregnancy symptoms and signs?

means the egg is implanted on fallopian tube instead of uterus. fallopian tube cannot support the pregnancy as it does not have the structure to pass nutrients to the growing embryo. it essentially just means the egg implanted at the wrong place, the pregnancy can’t proceed. symptoms include sharp pain on one side of the abdomen, bleeding. but the only way to tell is via ultrasound scan
Read moreHello, I had an ectopic pregnancy (left fallopian tube) and had no prior symptoms that you will find on Google. I had an emergency surgery the same night it was confirmed. There are other ways to treat an ectopic pregnancy, depending on the situation. If you're worried, do visit your gynae for a scan. Take care
Read moreThis is a good article that simply explains what ectopic pregnancy is, its causes, diagnosis, etc.
when a pregnancy grows outside of your uterus, usually in your fallopian tube is ectopic pregnancy symptoms