Ectopic Pregnancy
Am turning 24 years old and have low risk of ectopic pregnancy but just had an ectopic pregnancy and is on medical treatment to remove the baby. 😭😭😭 What are the chances of having a normal pregnancy in future?

hi. I've had an ectopic pregnancy once in 2017 when I was 28 and still managed to have 2 more successful pregnancies with 1 tube. I conceived 3 months after the surgery procedure. Good luck+
Hi, i had ectopic pregnancy too. Did you mean u are now going thru the injection? Coz thats what i did. i do not went thru the surgery. Im still TTC. Take care and everything will be fine.
But you did it! Great Job!!
I had an ectopic in May 2020, one jab and monitoring. What is your treatment? Now I’m 14 weeks, so it’s possible for the next pregnancy to be normal. Jiayou!
Don’t give up 😊 thankfully, no need surgery. Wish you speedy recovery!