23 Replies

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I eat vegetables, and drink lots of water to keep the skin as well as body to stay hydrated. but not forgetting my skincare routine too. I use vagheggi and centella for my skincare. When i was pregnant, i use some of the centella-hydraflore (this is the series for the pregnant women) only vegetables will not be sufficient especially we are almost 24h on gadget. it will cause premature aging too. i also go for facial 3 weeks once for deep cleansing, collagen stimulation, and intensive skin repair and nourishment 😁😁😁😁

okk thanks dear 👍

Fatty fish such as salmon, herring, tuna, and trout contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which help retain moisture and strengthen your skin's barrier, says Lamba. Symptoms of omega-3 deficiencies include dry skin, so load up on fish and other omega-3-rich foods such as flax seed to keep your skin hydrated.

VIP Member

Freshly squeezed juices are the best. Coconut juice and obviously water is the best to make you skin feel hydrated. You can add some cumcumbers and citron to your water to work a little detox.

Water is the absolute best! Apart from water fruits are a great way of keeping your skin hydrated. Also foods high in Omega 3s like salmon and other oily fish are good for your skin too.

Avocadoes. Cucumbers are good for the face not just an eye mask but as part of the diet too! And don't forget to drink lots of water :)

More fruits and vegetables for sure! Also, drinking more water helps too. :) Use moisturizers & masks for extra hydration.

VIP Member

I try to cut down on red meat whenever my skin is bad. Also dairy. Good to fill up more on fruits and veggies!

Water is queen! Lots of water will keep your skin hydrated. Also good to have fruit like watermelon too


Go back to basics ... drink at least 2.5 litres of water a day to keep your skin hydrated

VIP Member

I'm taking fish oil supp, I used to take primrose oil but have since changed to fish.

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