Membrane Sweep 1.5cm dilated
Went for my appt. was 1.5cm dilated. Dr did a membrane sweep. Was advised to walk about.. will I go into la our soon?? I’m 37+3weeks “Hoping for it tho”

Yes do walk or do squats. Hard to predict actually. One can go into labour mins or hours after the membrane sweep or when their cervix has start to dilate. Can also be weeks. Really depends that's why hard to predict but you're full term now so can be any time. I started leaking at 35 weeks and admitted. 3 days later I had fever which resulted in an infection because of the premature waterbag leaking. So to make me dilate fast, I was induced and gynae did a membrane sweep which is very painful cos I was having contractions at the same time but I was slow in dilating and will have to go for an e-sect if I'm not dilating in an hr's time cos my baby & I, both of us were having high heart rate. I gave birth 3 hours later via vaginal delivery. Phew!
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