Week5 suddenly no symptoms, ist sign of miscarriage?

Week4 i had very bad cramps & headache daily, early week5 i suddenly lost all symptoms. I started popping Dydrogesterone (2 pills/day) since last Thursday (gynae prescribed me since I am having spottings. Yesterday morning I had extreme tummy ache (~1hour) with fainty feel. It was not due to hunger, as I ate heavy breakfast at 930am. The pain & fainty feel lasts ~1030am to ~1145am. I feel so worried, is this a sign of miscarriage? I dont feel tired, headache etc. I felt very "normal" like before I was pregnant. Is this a bad sign? What should I do? #worry #scared #Needadvice #1stimemom #pleasehelp

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Hi, when doc prescribed duphaston (3 pills/day), I’m also facing headaches n feeling fainty .. but if I’m not wrong, it’s one of the side effects (read it somewhere online)

2y trước

I’m on the pills for 2 weeks. Sad news, last week couldn’t detect heartbeat. Today went to check HCG, but doc says HCG dropping. From 32k (on Sat) to 31k today (Monday) most likely miscarriage. So far no spotting for me yet, gynae ask me to monitor, and this Sat go back again, and see how to go about. 😢🥹 I feel the pills are v impt, coz it maintains ur hormones for the baby.. don’t stop, unless u seek help from gynae