Feeling Worried Now..

This week supposed to be my 8th week.. And today went for the vagina scan, doctor say baby didnt grow and is still at the 6th week sizes.. Is ny 2nd time pregnancy, my 1st time was also like tt, a chemical pregnancy with onky yolk sac and no growth.. Doctor say go back next week to scan again n see if is necessary to carry on if baby is still not growing.. ?? I m feeling so lost and worried. Been hoping is a rainbow baby.. But is letting us disappointed again.. I dont wanna give up yet, and praying for a miracle happen in this 1 whole week.

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Hi there, gynae told me mine only 4 weeks when i calculate LMP 6 weeks. Then only water bag can be seen. Thats my 1st scan. I was worried as well at that point of time. Gynae prescribed me the duphaston, ask me rest more, eat well, dont exercise, no sex intercourse. I could only wait for 2 weeks w anxiety. Gynae asked me back again 2 weeks later, which is at week 6. When gynae scanned, it grew to 7 weeks alrdy. So, u dont think negative. Be positive, and the rest left to the god.

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5y trước

Thanks mummy for ur positive sharing!! May miracle happen to me n baby!! Pray real hard

Super Mom

I totally understand how you feel. Rest well and prayers for you and ur baby

Thành viên VIP

Rest well and we will pray for you. Don’t worry to much. Hope everything is fine!

5y trước

Thanks you!! I m praying very hard in my heart as well.

Super Mom

Hugs and prayers for you and your baby. It’s tough to go through this.

5y trước

Thanks mummy!! I will pray for the best in this coming one week.. Hope miracle do happens.

Go bugis pray today is 观音蛋~ the temple really v 准! Truth me~

5y trước

Yazhen me too. Currently having rainbow bb at 29weeks :)

Do you still feel pregnancy symptoms like you used to?

5y trước

2 weeks ago yes can see the fluttering image.. Today, the image wasnt clear so doctor also cant confirm if there is still heartbeat. Sizes didnt grow. I also dont know why. 😭😭

Rest more till your next scan. Don't worry