crying and get upset

Was so stressed from work I cried and yelled for 1 hour... will it affect the baby? :(

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I had 2 such episodes and my stress factor is my husband. During the last one, I cried so much that I vomited the fruit juice I drank hours ago. This shocked me because I don’t have morning sickness Nor nausea so far in my pregnancy. After that, I took 2 drowsy antihistamine pills to sleep (You probably shouldn’t do this without advise from MD). The emotions don’t just end with sleep. It carried forward for days. I kept bouncing from counselling myself to berating myself. Slowly but surely, I went back to my old self. Like all mothers, throughout the whole time, I worry constantly. Last week, I went for my monthly gynae visit and doc says baby is well :) she’s even sucking her thumb during ultrasound! So adorable ? I worry if the emotional attack will come back because I notice a monthly trend in these episodes. Sharing stories with other mothers is more reassuring than you’d imagine. Don’t be shy to ask around your circle of friends. Every mother has their moments. I wish you all the best and happiness in your pregnancy journey ?

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