Drinks to help ease nausea

Wanted to get advice on what drinks can we sip to reduce the nauseating/bloating feeling especially when out with people! (Drinking water makes me nauseous) #pleasehelp #firstbaby #1stimemom

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For me it’s 100 Plus!

3y trước

I’m trying this. Although sometimes I can feel the gas.

ginger water

ribena or root beer

3y trước

wow sounds yummy hahaha thanks! seems like we need all the sweet drinks

try packet milo!

3y trước

i drink milo almost everyday but i scared too heaty?

ginger water

3y trước

do you make ginger water yourself? I've tried those instant packet ones but not great

Influencer của TAP


3y trước

ah popular option! will try that. thanks! (:


3y trước

Thanks for this! It helped today!