Ask the Expert Series

We are having our first ever “Ask the Expert” Series! The expert who will be answering your questions is Gayle Tan, Women’s Wellness Coach, Certified STOTT Pilates instructor and Precision Nutrition, as well as Mum of one. Take this chance to have your burning questions answered—leave your questions in the comments below. Topic: How Do You Make Peace With Your Newly Postpartum Body? Date: Wednesday, 18th December 2019 Time 8.30pm - 9.30pm

Ask the Expert Series
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What are the biggest changes to my body that will remain permanent?

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Is it important to have proper traditional massage after delivery?

What can I do to feel more attractive while my body re-adjusts?

What kind of clothes are figure flattering AND easy to breastfeed in?

5y trước

My absolute favorite!

How long will it take for my body to get back to my old size?

Does a postpartum binder actually help me to lose post baby belly?

5y trước

Right after delivery, an abdominal binder helps to give you postural support so that you can move more easily without pain. It is not advisable for mummies to wear it all day long, and for the long term because your body will begin to rely on it and lose the ability to rebuild your core strength. This will affect how you function in your daily activities, and some mummies might find something as simple as pushing a stroller to be challenging as well. If you bind it tightly for a long period of time, the constant compression will force your organs to shift, and the internal pressure might lead to complications such as hernias and pelvic organ prolapse. If you choose to wear a binder, do use one that you find comfortable and supportive, but not restrictive. You should be able to take full breaths while wearing it. :)

How do I keep myself physically fit after having a baby ?

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How long after c section birth can we start exercising?

Influencer của TAP

What is the recommended period of time for c-section recovery?

5y trước

Hi Minoli! A C-section is a major abdominal surgery, during which the surgeon had to cut through seven layers. This is why you will have to take greater care of your body, and let the wound recover fully. Think of it as a knee injury with ACL tear which will take up to a year to recover. As a general guide, most women can start easing back into light exercise around six to eight weeks, but it will still take more time for it to fully heal. Do check in with your gynae on your recovery status.

How do you control the unhealthiest cravings during pregnancy

5y trước

Hi mummy! Many of us struggle with cravings, and you are definitely not alone. One way to make it easier for us is to practise 'out of sight, out of mind'. If you constantly crave for chips, make sure it's not on the weekly grocery shopping list, so you won't be tempted by having it in the house. Replace temptation with the 'good stuff' - place some of your favourite fruits in plain sight, and whenever you get a craving, eat a piece of fruit first and gauge if you are still hungry after. :)