Baby not gaining enough weight

Hi all just wanna know everyone's opinion. My baby is 5 mos+ 1 week now and only gained like 3000gms from our last visit to the clinic which was last month, she weighs 5.3kg now length is 63cm, she was born a small baby weighing 2.5kg only, i dont know if i should be worried that she's gaining quite slowly now compared to previous month. I've read through some infos and so far her urine output is normal and passing motion 2x or 3x daily. No fever and very energetic baby. I tried supplementing her with my expressed milk once cause i thought she's burning more calories now that she's more active but she only vomits it out. During milk time she's very distracted and drink fast like 3 mins per breast max, she only drink longer when she's sleepy. Any tips? Should i be worried and bring her to pedia? Next visit is on her 6th month

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Super Mom

Hi dear:) don’t worry about it. Your baby has more than doubled her birth weight, so that’s good. What’s important is that she is gaining weight and hopefully at least moving along the same centile on the growth chart, that she feeds well, has good outputs (pee and poo) and is active and happy. My LO was born 3365g but by 5 months was also 5.5kg. She couldn’t even double her birth weight (a milestone to hit at 4 months) by then despite me feeding on demand. But she was still growing and definitely healthy. Now she’s 7 months + and has put on more weight after starting solids. Haha. Looking back, there was really nothing to worry about. Not every baby puts on weight quickly or in the same way

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4y trước

Thanks ill try not to worry too much 🙂