8 Replies


yes. I agree. I prefer to be in a single ward to recuperate and rest well for the next 2 days after c-sect. but if cost is the issue and if he is the one paying. then i guess you don't have a choice right . maybe have a good talk with him ? maybe share with him how u feel or he can explain to you his concern. if budget tight and if you are able to ... then u can help to pay for the room too. communication is always importantb

for my first baby, what I did was have subsided visits and at 3rd trimester, i change to private. it saved me some costs. lol definitely better go for private ward for first time. but for my current 2nd one, I will probably take shared wards since not many people can visit me and dont think they will cramp many moms in one room because of Covid?

For C sec, it’s better to be in single ward. You will need lie in bed for at least a day after delivery and the nurses will send baby to you for breast feeding. And single ward is better since covid is still around. Maybe can use Medisave. Hope it helps.

If money is his concern, offer to top up the difference? The cost difference is quite a lot, if he doesn't see the value in it but you do, I don't think he can argue against you using your own finances for it.

VIP Member

Maybe you can ask him what are his priorities? Maybe he wants to set it aside for the baby? Maybe he’s just concern that there might be any other emergency needs.. Communication is the key babe.

Maybe he's saving money for the baby but probably discuss with him about your needs, emotional/mental state during recuperation. I guess can top up the difference if money is tight on his end.

I second what Raven Tan has mentioned. You can offer to top up the difference if staying in private ward is that important for you and recuperation. Take care!

Maybe he wants to save for baby? I know that feeling!

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