sign of intellectual disabilities

Usually when we rant about our baby's development like 'Why isn't my baby walking yet?' or 'Why doesn't my baby have teeth yet?', most people will respond with things like 'It's okay... every baby has their own time' or 'Mine was like that also, but it's okay, don't worry.' But I just read about intellectual disabilities, and now I can't stop thinking about it. It said the signs are: - Delayed developmental milestones, such as crawling, walking, or speaking. - Difficulty with social interactions or limited eye contact. - Lack of interest in toys or objects. - Trouble following simple instructions or understanding simple concepts. - Persistent difficulty in learning new skills or concepts as they grow older. - Challenges with problem-solving or reasoning tasks appropriate for their age. Basically, everything we have been concerned about—at least once! What do you think, Parents?

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Hey there, mama! I totally understand your worries, it's completely normal to have those concerns about your baby's development. But remember, every child is different and they all reach their milestones at their own pace. It's great that you're aware of the signs of intellectual disabilities, but try not to jump to conclusions too quickly. If you're feeling worried, the best thing to do is talk to your pediatrician. They can give you a professional opinion and help ease your mind. They'll be able to assess your baby's development and provide guidance on what's typical and what might need further attention. In the meantime, keep engaging with your baby and encouraging their development through play, interaction, and love. Every baby is unique, and as parents, we're here to support and nurture them every step of the way. Remember, you're doing great!

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Your worries are completely valid. It’s easy to brush it off sometimes but every child is different and no two children may respond the same way to things! As a Paediatric physiotherapist we encourage parents to seek guidance even if you have an inkling that something may not be right. If there truly is something to work on, you have gone at the right time instead of delaying. Sometimes seeing a professional can help ease your worries too - you can get the assurance you need and reduce your stress ✌🏽 Different parents cope differently, so don’t feel ashamed if you want to seek help!

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Hi, I'm an early interventionist and your fears are true. I have a baby and I am.constantly in fear of it too. are we ignoring it or just in denial when it happens? there is still hope before the age of 3! there is not harm to go to.specialist for assessment. the first thing that needs to go , is screen time before 36 months. mean no tv, no handphone, no ipad, no laptop, even if baby is sitting far away to see it. limit exposure to the toys with flashing lights and music. expose baby more to nature and the outside world and building social skills with people outside.

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10mo trước

Flashing lights n music? Why? Too bright? I also worried the light flashing, relatives say since buy already dont keep, let baby play with it...

Because usually when anybody rant, they usually only mention about 1 aspect - like 'not walking yet' only or 'no teeth yet' only. 1 milestone not met on time isnt a big deal. Intellectual disabilities usually involve multiple milestones not met. Also, perhaps the age of baby may not have exceeded the maximum timeline for the milestone yet as well (e.g baby may start walking from 8 - 16 months and your baby is only at 12/13 months). If you are still worried, you can always bring your baby to the pd, tho the chances are, he is perfectly fine.

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Besides looking at the checklist, I think we should also tap into our mother's instinct. We can usually tell if something isn't quite right, it's a gut feel. Secondly, if you really worry that your child may have any issues, it's better to bring to PD for a review. No pt googling and worrying about it, might as well seek professional opinion for peace of mind.

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sometimes google makes everyone feel like they're an expert... it's always best to consult to a doctor if you think there's something wrong with your baby

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