Is it true that baby can catch cold and cough when teething? If yes, why so? Are there ways to make baby feel better rather than giving them synthetic medicine? TIA!

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Well, if any cold or cough (due to a cold) or fever is not because of teething itself. Rather, it is because when babies are teething, they like gnawing on things to soothe their gums. By doing that they introduce germs into their system. Although a scary thought, I don't stop my baby from doing that because it's their way of boosting their immune system.

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There are many ways to make baby feel better rather then giving them medication. It depends on your baby age too. Some are the methods people use - Essential Oils - Humidifier - Vapour Rubs - Sleeping Position As for teething, these are some natural methods u can try - Frozen wash cloth for them to chew - Frozen teether

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Hmm. First time hearing about them catching a cold & cough during teething period. Give baby something to gnaw on for those aching gums. If baby is down with a cold, i would recommend letting baby sleep slightly elevated so the mucus will not flow backwards and block his nasal passage which will tend cause blocked nose.

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8y trước

Maybe it's teething or maybe baby caught a cold. Hard to judge untill u see a white tooth

it can happen. there are natural ways to help better. teething toys, frozen fruits to gnaw on. If he has a cold, use a humidifier or nasal aspirator. try to keep babies head elevated when he is sleeping.

I dun think so. Nv heard b4. Usually is fever though my boy didn't have fever so far. Even when he is growing his pre molars ( touch wood)