My toddler flu and cough been like 2 to 3 weeks still not cure. Is it ok? Cuz he's in childcare so is normal? Any soup that I can make for him to feel better? Drink medicine drink till gong gong...legs and hands cold cold

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For his cough, you can consider bringing him to TCM. It helps to 'tune' his immune system and treats those long coughs too. Secondly, any soup is good. Importantly maintain a healthy diet. And yes its very normal for children to fall sick often while being in childcare. You can also offer multi-vitamins to strengthen their immunity system

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Hmm.. any wheezing when cough, could it be slight bronchitis? But I do agree kids in cc sometimes easier to get sick. No choice , treat it as a immunity training ground 😅 maybe can try home remedies like warm honey water or apply abit of vapor rub.

Yes it's totally normal.They seem to be sick forever. Try giving him supplements or vitamins.

7y trước


Chicken soup helps the kids. That's what I usally make when either of them are unwell

7y trước
