Is it true baby younger than 3 months cannot bring the baby out? I was scolded by my mom for bring LO out to shopping mall. Because after I return home my LO keep crying and it become everyday thing. And she assume that is because I bring her out.

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Nonsense! It's crazy - who is going to stay at home 24/7 with the baby? U? If u are the mummy, everyday just see the 4 walls and baby, u will go crazy - depression I mean. Some pple say baby will easy to sick but the thing is baby will be kept close to u, don't let baby anyhow touch things(catch germs), u also practice reasonable good hygiene when outside (who knows who touch the lift buttons huh?) It most definitely is not because of that one trip tho it might have "scare" the baby because the environment is too stimulating. Just calm baby down will do. Try to have a proper routine for baby and stick to it as much as possible otherwise baby will inevitably tend to be cranky when out of routine and not enough sleep

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Thành viên VIP

This is a myth that even I ended up following haha, my son only went out when he was 3-4 months old. I'd say that for a start, try to make short and quick trips out at times where it's least crowded to avoid overstimulation - which is what it seems like from your LO. A simple quick start could be a 10min walk around neighbourhood, or going out for a quick meal and then back! The lights, sounds and crowd stimulates them a lot, so if you go to malls, it's gonna happen a lot faster - a good guideline is that an hour outside is like 2 hours at home. If you are out for 3 hours, it's almost like being home for 6 to them!

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I will only bring my baby out after the first month and not too long at one shot. Your baby may be over stimulated bags why he cries after going home. Does he nap well outside? Babies thrive on routines so as much as possible give him the same schedule everyday . It is ok to bring baby out for shopping once awhile for a longer period but I don't agree to doing it everyday. Letting them nap at home in the comfort of a bed will be better. Besides they are prone to bacteria and virus when they are still so small. A mom has to give up some things and make some sacrifices sometimes

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younger babies need a lot of sleep, in a conducive environment, so if they are often outside they tend to be overly stimulated and it will affect their naps and sleep,hence the crankiness and crying. Babies should b adjusting to a schedule for naps and bedtime when they are 6-8 weeks old and try to stick to it. sleeping in a pram or on motion In a carrier might not be restful enough for some babies . also, their immune system is still low and will catch a viral/bacteria infection easily too.

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It's the overstimulation which gets the baby crying. Keep the routine even if you are outside with baby. Time for naptime, coax him to sleep before placing into a stroller to allow them continue their nap. Mealtime milktime all must stick to routine. There isn't a such rule or saying that babies below 3 months cannot go out. Babies need fresh air and sunlight too. Mummies need their sanity too!!

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Thành viên VIP

if the elders always say dun bring baby out b4 3 mnths old... its just an old saying to keep baby off evil eye... not only tat... baby immune is still not strong enuff... but dun worry so kuch... if ure muslim.. just selawat on babys forehead... other than that just keep baby close to you at night... usually baby love the skin contact and calm themself...

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Actually they say it's cos to avoid the baby to be in contact with bacteria so best not to bring the baby out for too long. Normally the older generation will have more opinion in this but then again still better to bring the baby out after the 3mths. Prolly the baby immune system is better after the jabs. Hehe

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I bought my baby out after full month, but it’s only nearby places like parks to stroll and not for too long. I will still avoid crowed places as baby immunity is still not strong at a few months so better to stay away from crowded places to minimize chances of contracting flu etc from others.

Thành viên VIP

I think the grand parents worry abt newbies , as their immunity Low now may be affects them very fast .. n also may think abt even eye something blah blah .. don’t worry it’s nothing like tht , they also need some fresh air so just bring them out n make them more comfy

Babies that young have an immature immune system. so, they are very vulnerable to diseases. And what is just the common cold for adults could be quote harmful to a newborn. So if you are taking a newborn out, avoid crowded places like shopping malls for sure.