Is it true baby younger than 3 months cannot bring the baby out? I was scolded by my mom for bring LO out to shopping mall. Because after I return home my LO keep crying and it become everyday thing. And she assume that is because I bring her out.

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You’ll still need to bring baby out for vaccinations, so even if you detour a little, shouldn’t matter that much. I think she meant baby getting overstimulated by sights and sounds, so may not sleep as well, that is quite normal.

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Omg!!! How not to bring baby out. Cant be stay home all day right. Baby needs fresh air too. However, not too long. As baby is young. If you have a routine, stick with that and work around it.

Another myth! Life and errands has to resume. Time waits for no man. If you have someone to care for baby then it would be better for baby to stay home. Otherwise, keep going.

I brought baby out quite often. But do make sure they get to nap. I realized that my LO gets v cranky at night if he stays awake too long in the day. Over simulated i guess.

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Hmmm i guess it best not too because baby is still weak and the immune system not very strong yet. Best to bring out after 3 months or maybe 1 month but not too far lah.

I brought bb out even during confinement . I think it is partly because u nv bring bb out earlier n ur LO can't get use to outside that's y crying

8y trước

My baby has been out Everyday since very young

nope. i brought my baby out before he reach 1 month 🙊 as long u make warm n dont go out till late should be ok😊

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i don't bring out that much before baby was 3 months, but i know many mummies who do it via baby wearing

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I think it is because baby immunity is not strong enough and worried that baby may fall sick.