For those mummies who are in 12 weeks of pregnancy or more, and need to do blood test for down syndrome, is OSCAR test sufficient or need to do NIPT?

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Thành viên VIP

The OSCAR test is great for a first initial test, after that - if you're more concerned (after receiving the results) you can then take other tests :) I took a Panorama test which was $1000+ because my parents needed a peace of mind (I'm a single mum + only child so they didn't want me to worry), but for me - I didn't want to take it at all because whatever the result was, I'd still have my son so that's another thing to consider ... why you actually want to take the test :)

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Super Mom

If u choose to keep the baby regardless of the result, skip those test. However, if u have other considerations depending on the result of the test, then do it. That’s what my gynae told me. I do both NIPT (Cos can know gender and higher accuracy) and the NT screening (compulsory)

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Depends on risk profile. Generally oscar tear is good enough as a first line screening test.

Thành viên VIP

For mine, I would prefer to go for NIPT for higher accuracy to have a peace of mind.

Depends on ur budget and also ease of mind

Thành viên VIP

Depends on your age Oscar is sufficient enough

6y trước

Same test but NIPT has higher accuracy n can test for more stuff like engelmann etc.

i just did the Oscar.

I took panorama test