anyone experienced wrist pain (thumb and wrist area)?
Is there any home remedy so it will naturally heal before taking any medications?

Use a thumb stabiliser to minimise movement - i had one on for at least 2 months. You can also place an ice pack over it for 10-20mins everyday to reduce inflammation. I've also used ketoprofen patches. Also took ibuprofen from GP. These worked for me as i didnt want to take the steroid shot. You may also want to consult a physiotherapist if it doesn't get better
Read moreI had the pain after delivery and till now i still feeling it. Have been seeing tcm for acupuncture and western doc to get it treated. Need sometimes to recover according to both tcm and docs.
i did after 1st pregancy. nothing seemed to help. thought it was due to me washing my hands too much so... during 2nd pregnancy, i used wet wipes to clean my hands instead. no such pain thereafter.
Read moreI have experienced.. I will just give axe oil massage .. u may apply any pain removal oil or cream .. n if u have anti pain patches means try it ..
Yes, I have experienced it before. You will need to rest your wrist and not aggravate it further. Use a wrist/thumb guard, if you have.
Yup, drink more chicken essence and wear a wristguard
Yes. Went for acupuncture (just once) and it healed(: