Can take Royal Jelly to ease the skin rashes problem during pregnancy?

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Hi, which stage of pregnancy are u at? I would suggest u talk to ur Gyne abt it. There is no scientific research on its pros and cons of royal jelly during pregnancy. In some lab tests, it was shown that it causes the thinning of the uterine wall in rats. So if u do, safer to wait till 2 tri and after and only on small quantities Why don't u try an array of moisturizers - the aloe Vera or the thicker kind cream and put 3 times a day? That sounds much safer and I did that too.

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Try to consult a doc before going ahead and using anything for rashes

Check with your doctor to see where the rashes are coming from.

I've never tried it personally, I think it's best to check..

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Best to consult your ob-gyne about your skin rashes

Best to consult your doctor

Check up with your doc

Check with Doctor.