Can take aloe vera?
Hi mummies, can i take aloe vera during pregnancy? Like those bubble tea topping or jelly inside have aloe vera?

Yes, you can consume aloe vera during pregnancy, but it is essential to do so in moderation. Aloe vera has some health benefits, but it is crucial to choose products that are safe for consumption during pregnancy. Bubble tea toppings or jellies containing aloe vera should be consumed cautiously as they may contain added sugars or other ingredients that may not be suitable for expecting mothers. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to opt for pure aloe vera juice or gel from reputable sources. Make sure to read the labels and ingredients carefully before consuming any aloe vera products. If you are unsure, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider before adding aloe vera to your diet during pregnancy. Always remember that maintaining a balanced and healthy diet is crucial during pregnancy. If you have any concerns about aloe vera or any other food products, it's always best to seek advice from your doctor or a healthcare professional to ensure the safety of you and your baby. Stay safe and take care!
Read moreI feel that everything during pregnancy can be taken in moderation. I’ve seen moms who ate sashimis because their gynae said it’s fine, as long as it’s from a reputable source and within limits
I’ve also read no but I’ve had it a few times in my bubble tea and baby is growing fine. I try to stay off googling my foods as long as I’m not eating raw foods, or animal liver.
I eaten aloe vera quite frequently as its added inside the yoghurt i bought.. Also drank the qoo grape drink with aloe. Baby is fine. As a topping i think it shud be ok.
I ate during pregnancy but not a lot and often. It’s toppings in my drink as well.
causes early contractions and miscarriage so no. you may opt for white pearls etc
Saw a lot of pregnancy article saying no. So if possible try to avoid to be safe.
have read "no" but honestly, i did consume bit
Best not to