Is it safe to eat grass jelly during pregnancy?
Please tell if it is ok to consume grass jelly during pregnancy

I believe eating in moderation. In the past, people believed that cooling foods like kangkong, papaya, pineapple, citrus fruits, grass jelly and green bananas should be avoided as they may lead to miscarriage. However, this is not scientific proven. There is no documented case of miscarriage from eating these foods. There is also no scientific evidence that you should avoid “cooling” foods as well as fruits and vegetables when you’re pregnant. However, there is no harm in avoiding only one or two foods, including these foods during pregnancy. Remember, eating a healthy and well-balanced diet with foods from the four food groups depicted in “My Healthy Plate” is the best way to obtain optimal nutrition during pregnancy.
Read moreSame as Vanessa, I think it is alright to have it in moderation. As long as you are keeping to a healthy and well-balanced diet, such as having food from the four food groups (rice and alternatives, fruits, vegetables, and meat and alternatives), I don't think there is any harm in that occasional bowl/glass of grass jelly. :)
Read moreGrass jelly is safe to consume during pregnancy. In fact, personally I consumed it during my pregnancy to cool myself down from time to time. Take it moderately. During pregnancy, it is important to have healthy and well balanced diet.
grass jelly / cincau is too cooling, hence MAY cause problems like cough, phelgm or weak lungs for baby. avoid during first and second trimester.. I accidentally took it for few times during pregnancy. Nothing happened.. But better prevent la..
I guess it's okay to consume grass jelly during pregnancy in small quantities. But some say it has cooling properties. You can also check out the Food Feature on this app. It tells you which foods are safe or not during pregnancy :)
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The real grass jelly contain rich fiber and the cooing sensation helps if you have a heartburn during pregnancy. My obgyn said do not afraid to eat whatever you want but remember the limitation.
grass jelly pregnancy problems are unlikely to happen. there's no science that connects it with miscarriage. that said, TCM recommends against it for its "cooling" effect
Actually. its a grey area. TCM Practitioners believe that consumption of grass jelly during pregnancy, leads to both mum n child having asthma.
During pregnancy I only avoid anything raw, ginseng , pineapple.., everything else I take