Jatuh at 14weeks

Hi...tadi terjatuh depan toilet pingang 1st x sempat nak support by hand....😥 pingang sakit...perut cramp sikit but no bleeding.Doctor suruh monitor 24hrs.If ada bleeding then need to go to emergency.Please pray for my baby.Any mommies ada same experience????☹️ worried...Xboleh nak pegi jumpa my doctor dulu sbb im still wearing my white tag under quarantine...Ahad baru habis quarantine period.Result 2nd swab this morning dah negative.

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saya pernah jatuh tergelincir tp xigt week berapa sampai punggung rasa sakit. nk bgn pun terasa. tp no bleeding.pi klinik buat scan,alhamdulillah kandungan ok. insyaAllah kandungan sis baik² je. jgn fikir negatif sgt. lepas dh bebas nnti sis terus pergi buat scan ya.semoga dipermudahkan urusan sis

3y trước

Amiinnnn thank u soo much sis ♥️🙏🏻