Spotting/bleeding at 6 weeks

Hi everyone, i had my urine test after one week i missed my period. And my upt showed positive. I considered myself pregnant on that time. I haven’t checked with doctor since it was too early. Then at my 6 weeks, I’m having cramp & spotting/bleeding. I thought it may be an early sign of miscarriage and dangerous to my pregnancy. When i check with doctor, their upt result was negative. My blood test hcg result was not clear and i need to do it again next week. My bleeding quite similar to period but it was only lasted for 3 days. I’m now worried and a bit sad because I’m hoping that I’m pregnant. Anyone facing this before? Mind to share your experience or opinions. Thank you ☺️

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I had spotting for a week. thought tht I was in my period but it turn out that I'm pregnant. one day, I suddenly having a quite heavy bleeding. thankfully i was quick and it appears that I have threatened misscariagge. I always in constant worry but the nurse advice me not to. stress could effected the pregnancy. just have faith in Allah that the baby is ok. now, he is 7m old

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I'm now.i self tested twice 2nd day n 10th day after missed period.both positive result.however now there's bleeding on my panty too emotional anxious n scared of knowing I might i miscarriage. now I'm just crying in d toilet of my offc

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thanks for the comfort words..