What Time Do You Sleep
Are you still using your phone and not sleeping? How many of u do that? I admit I am victim of digital age. ?

Guilty. My son and spouse has been sleeping since an hour ago but im forcing myself to stay awake so i can catch up with things on my own. I'll probably wake up feeling like a zombie tmr and feeling determined to sleep earlier but its never the case. Oh well 🤷♀️
Sometimes 1am or 2am... 🤭 Of cos I'll be a zombie the next day. But when else can I have my me time? After work rush home for the kids, dinner, shower, make them sleep, do a little bit housework... Then when can I do own things except for "OT" at night? 😅
It's a modern day trait which is hard to break right! It's good to research on being a parent (as we all worry at night), although at least worth turning on the blue ought filter as means you're more likely to sleep after.
sometimes hahha but when im too tired, i just put aside on silent and sleep so no on w can disturb me. but now with baby, sleep or baby time 😂
I alway sleep after midnite.1-2 am especially after hubby n kids sleep.yes I still alway use handphone see fb,watch youtube lol.
ya!!wanna change though i ahte that once i feed my girl i stayed awake till 5am n can noy sleep nap somwtime in the afternoons
yes! i cant stop watching netflix! i will sleep around 2-3. if im rlly tired, at 12 then i sleep
Yes haha I admit to do that And I would sleep at around 12.30am, and latest is around 2am 🤭
Me! It’s my alone time after a day of week and after making baby sleep 😂
Good to know I'm not alone ... I do try and control my usage time though😝