how often do you have sex during pregnancy?

Are you still having sex frequently during pregnancy? My husband never seems to rest... always asking for it almost every night. He says he's "saving up" before we have to stop after childbirth. Honestly, I'm tired, but I feel bad rejecting him. Sometimes my stomach cramps, but my husband promises to be gentle. I had a little bleeding once, but when I checked with the doctor, everything was fine, and I was advised to rest. After that, my husband asked again. How often is it actually okay to have sex during pregnancy?

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my husband does not seem to be into sex eversince i got pregnant. He feels uncomfortable. compare to my previous pregnancy, we did almost 1 week 5 times or even more depend on our mood. i remembered after i delivered, 2 weeks later when i under confinement, he kept touching and ask if i ok to have sex. as my delivery was smooth with no stitches i allow him. he find it more relax to do after i delivered. i enjoy sex very much and does not mind giving my husband as long as he want. as we grow older u will feel that either u nor partner no longer interested. worse part your husband will find other if he did get his desire fulfill.

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