Allowance for parents

Do you still give your parents monthly allowance after you start a family? As we now have a baby and we still have to pay for infant care and the necessities. My parents still require me to give them the same amount monthly allowance and it’s very stressful for me and my hubby. Is it normal? #pleasehelp #1stimemom #allowance

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Ah I can resonate with this. My mom demands I give more even after I’ve had my little one. And I’m just starting my own family. It’s stressful and I hate it. I feel bitter every time it’s pay day. Some parents are unlike some parents who are understanding. Some parents are just vicious and cunning. No matter how they brought you up, instilling wrong values in you and only realising it was selfish of them as you grow older. I am the total opposite of my parents as I’m the 2nd child and growing up learning how to fend for myself. My mom especially is just plain selfish and disrespectful towards me and my husband. So it’s frustrating having to keep up with her demands until now. Sorry, I can’t say for others. Sure I am grateful over the years but I think somewhere somehow it’s just got to stop man.

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