My son's first word is ball. :( not mama or papa.

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While my first daughter's first word was dada, my second daughter's first word was mama. Maybe it is nature balancing things out. I know many parents whose kid's first words were not mummy or daddy. Not to worry as long as they keep picking up new words. They will say mama and papa soon enough too:)

My daughter too! Her 1st word was ball! And then everyting else like "go there", "papa", "dog, balloon, bubbles"... Until the very end, when i almost gave up, THEN she said mommy on mothers day. That was when she was 18 months. I dunno to laugh or cry. LoL

8y trước

Aww of course laugh!

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Great that he is speaking up nothwithstanding of vocabulary. Ball is a more complicated word than normal baby cooing....which may be a good sign too. Just keep encouraging him.

Thành viên VIP

Mine was eeeeeee. we dont even say such words around him.

8y trước

Lol....they just have their own head

Thành viên VIP

Better than mine which was no

8y trước

Ouch! We tend to oversay our No I think.

Mine is 'mun mun'

8y trước
