Lost appetite

Hi mummies, is it normal to feel not hungry or even feeling 反胃? How can I cure this? I'm feel so 辛苦。:(

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I’m in my Week 15 and still feel complete loss of appetite. The thought of food makes me wanna puke. I used to love food alot too. But now, i cannot even think of food. So i just asked my husband to get me food (not gooey, not spicy, got texture, preferably dry) and i just eat without thinking much. 😅 eg, xiaolongbaos or dumplings. I try not to imagine the food/taste as much as possible.

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4y trước

Not a full meal. I’ll just eat whatever i can and when i feel half-full, i’ll stop. Have to make myself eat without thinking. Sometimes i will puke after finishing, but it’s fine. Just keep eating.

What I’m feeling now all the time! :( Currently 7 weeks plus. Lucky enough to not be vomiting all day long but seriously having a LOT of food aversion and reduced appetite - the thought of eating anything makes me nauseated and 反胃。I used to love food!

4y trước

I’ve also been trying to drink more milk and fruit juice - like things with calories so it can make up for my overall reduced appetite! Don’t wanna be getting too little nutrition for the little one

How many weeks are you? I didn't have any appetite during my 1st trimester due to morning sickness and now in my 3rd trimester also the same. Because baby is pushing up the stomach hence I feel full very quick even with a very small meal.

4y trước

ok thanks dear. I'll try... jiayou too!

Super Mom

Try having small meals.

4y trước

ok. noted. thanks dear.