Wearable pump for pumping at work
Hi mummies! For milk collection at work, would you recommend getting: (1) a proper wearable pump (e.g imani, be free etc), OR (2) a wearable collection cup (e.g. youha collection cups - see image below) to connect to your traditional hospital grade pump such as spectra/medela? Am wondering if the 2nd option will be more efficient at milk collection but potentially more cumbersome? Would appreciate any advice and brand recommendations as well! Thanks! :) #FTM #pumping
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Bringing breast pumps to hospital
Hi all! Should we bring our breast pump to hospital during delivery? I’ve a spectra S1 and a portable medela freestyle flex as a gift from a friend - haven’t figured out how to use them yet 😅 I’m delivering in Mount E orchard, wondering if they’ll have breast pumps to rent or if I should bring my own Also, if I were to bring my own, do I clean and sterilize all the parts prior to going to the hospital (but how long before and how to store them to ensure they stay clean before delivery day?) or can I do the sterilization in hospital? (I.e. somehow get access to boiling water hahaha) Thanks in advance!! :) #pregnancy #1stimemom #breastpump
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Hi fellow mummies and mummies to be! When did you stop driving during your pregnancy, or did any of you continue throughout? Am currently 29 weeks, still able to wear seatbelt safely and comfortably, no symptoms/body aches, driving less than 4km to work daily (10mins, no highway so no high speeds, and lots of traffic lights). My pregnancy has been low risk and smooth sailing thus far and I still feel very physically and cognitively ok to drive (and I actually do enjoy driving!)... From what I understand and have read medically, there aren’t strict guidelines that discourage driving in pregnancy (as long as can wear seatbelt safely, low risk pregnancy, no symptoms, etc, of course) My original plan is to stop driving maybe 1 month before EDD (or earlier should any symptoms develop or if I feel even the teeniest bit unsafe), but my parents are quite worried despite my reassurances... So wanted to hear what the rest of you are doing/have done :) #pregnancy #driving
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Hey lovely mummies and mummies-to-be like myself! 1. What strollers and car seats did you get / would you recommend, and 2. Is it important to get a car seat from the same stroller brand so it can fit directly into the stroller ? :) I’ve heard lots of raving reviews for the Keenz Air Plus 2.0 stroller and everything looks really good, except I don’t think Keenz makes any car seats and car seats from other brands are not able to fit in it either :( Would appreciate any advice!! #Carseat #stroller #keenz #Keenzairplusstroller
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Hey fellow mummies/mummies to be! Did you ladies buy any maternity insurance? Is it necessary, how many weeks in did you buy it, and which company is good/would you recommend? :) Also do all maternity insurance include baby insurance after delivery or would you recommend getting a separate baby insurance? Thank you! :) #advicepls
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