Baby 100th day celebration

Hello mummies! Was just researching about celebrating baby 100th day and was wondering if y’all chose to celebrate 1 month OR 100th days? My nanny said we can do both.. so during 1 month we will do the traditional ritual (pray and shave head etc) then 100th day will be the real party with friends and family. 1) Where did you all do it at and how was the experience? 2) Any catering / deco service to intro as well? 3) We are thinking of doing the 100th day celebration at a chalet 3D2N.. but thinking of baby sleeping out for 2N at a chalet makes me anxious.. seems like a lot of things to prepare. Any similar experience or advice please? TIA! :)

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I did 1 month for immediate relatives and 100th days for friends. The one month party was at pan pacific while 100th day was at prive. We stayed at pan pac for 1 night, just bring enough clothes for the baby, and milk! Relatively easy

5y trước

Thank you for the reply! Did you rent a function room or booked a room/suite for the celebration? We were initially thinking of booking a hotel instead of chalet but space wise it’s not feasible I Guess...