Low supply in bm

Six weeks since the birth of my child and I am still not producing much bm. I have been supplementing with formula since day 2 of birth given that baby is hungry and dehydrated. I don’t latch baby much since she fuss and doesn’t stay long to feed, hence I pump on and off but not much milk. Any suggestion how I can increase my supply?

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Must pump diligently every 2-3hourly to increase supply my Friend! Maybe you can also try Milo with oats after every pump. Not sure if this concoction will work for you but it sure did for me! Jiayou!

6y trước


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Probably can try breast massage, just came across another thread about madam ida who seems to be good in helping blocked ducts and engorgement.

Hi, Please have green leafy vegetables, fruits in your diet and also have materna milk

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Maybe you can try this essential oils. Let me know if you keen or interested.

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Try taking chickpeas and ask your gynae to prescribe some supplements

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Drink maternal milk
