Helper of Infant Care?

Should I employ a helper or send my 3 months old baby to an infant care? I do not receive much help from my parents. I am currently taking care of my own baby. I do not have much time to pump milk, settle my own meals and do house chores.

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I prefer infant care. Baby can make friends and learn to socialise.

Helper. I find that with the helper, I can focus on infant care.

Helper if you're not working, infant care if you are. :)

Thành viên VIP

Infant care. Helper does not have the skills and knowledge

Super Mom

Helper will be good if you are not working.

If u r not working then can. Get a helper

Super Mom

Hi mummy, I would choose infant care.

Helper better i think if i were you

Prefer infant care over helper

Both if you can afford it