When will the labour start? Currently 3 cm dilation
This is my second pregnancy and has already 3 cm dilation at 37 weeks. The doctor says anytime can come out and decide the day to deliver. When do you normally start regular contractions after 3 to 4 cm dilation?

Hi Mama! Sounds like you're getting close! After 3 to 4 cm dilation, labor can start anytime, but it really depends. Some people start regular contractions within hours, while for others it could take a few days. Since this is your second pregnancy, things might move a little faster than your first. Definitely keep an eye on things and stay in touch with your doctor. If you're curious about what to expect, here’s an article that covers more about when labor might kick off: https://sg.theasianparent.com/the-stages-of-labour Good luck—you're almost there!
Read moreIt’s hard to say when will the labour starts. I was week 39, had regular contractions (every less than 5 minutes) and got admitted to hospital but not even 1cm dilated 😔
Hi mommy. I was 36 week water bag broke, dilated until 5cm only more then 24 hrs ended up with an emergency c section.
Same here! Im 38weeks. But how do you know if it’s contractions or just the baby moving?
there's no definite range it all depends on your body
if you have contraction,then can admit to hospital.