Childcare for firstborn? Second one coming

SAHM until recently when I finally got an infant care slot (difficult to get slot) for my BB but just realised that I am pregnant with my second one too. Difficulty in getting a job now and without subsidy, infant care fees are simply too high. Should I just give up the slot and continue taking care of my firstborn (no helper) until my second one is born? Or, just enroll BB in first and see how things go? Financially tied and also worried about disrupting BB routine if I have to take BB in and out of centre 😔#pleasehelp #advicepls

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your case may apply for additional subsidy I was being retrenched and pregnant with no 2, I send my boy to Childcare on the month my 2nd is born and able to apply working mom subsidy plus extra subsidy talk to the school admin, they will assist u in applications but of course u will have to pay full fees + deposit before the approval

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