Pregnancy sex
Is it safe to have sex at week 14? How many times a week? Keep having fear that my poke till the water bag or baby

It's safe! Baby is well protected in the womb. Unless urs is a risky pregnancy, it shld be ok. The only time u need to be careful is aft 35th wk as it can cause early contractions. I was even told by gynae to hve sex at 39th wk as I had not dilated yet but wasnt in the mood at all by then 😆1st or 2nd trimester is fine.
Read moredon't worry, I had a very active sex life throughout my pregnancy. everything is okay unless you feel uncomfortable or you see spotting, blood or anything. Positions wise I continued with most of the usual ones until 3rd trimester as the bump is too big to "perform". lol.
It’s okay to have sex just don’t do positions that puts pressure on your bump
sex is safe throughout your whole pregnancy! unless your doc tells you not to
its safe to have sex everyday if you're comfortable with it
should be safe unless doctor advice otherwise