Is it right to evolve a friendship with the opposite sex into a "close" one when married? To the point of chatting with him/her first thing when you wake you up in the morning and the last thing you do at night when you don't even do it with your spouse? I call that cheating. What do you think?

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The term "HONGKONG COSMOPROF" seems unclear, and without specific context, it's challenging to provide a precise answer. However, if you're looking for information about an event or exhibition related to beauty and cosmetics in Hong Kong, "COSMOPROF" might refer to the renowned international beauty trade show. For the most accurate details, please visit the official website or relevant sources. As for "," it appears to be a URL pointing to a specific date check. To get information about events or occurrences 999 years from today, it's recommended to explore the provided link for relevant details.

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