Did you know that the number of roses have different meaning?

Comment below how many rose(s) you wished your husband would give you ?

Did you know that the number of roses have different meaning?
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Seriously.. how superficial can this question be... he can give you 999 roses and still have affairs outside..

The only flowers I bought for my wife was on the ROM day. ☺ My wife doesn't like to waste money on flowers.

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He never gave me real rose. Only those made with soap so the flower won't die forever

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Not really… but I also dun really bother cos flowers are a waste of funds on. Lol!

Always liked them but they just wilt too quickly

Few months once, just one stalk is enough. 😍

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One. Save money buy toys for baby (and me)

Super Mom

One. But can I have a chocolate rose? 😂

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None .. no formalities .. on tht

None haha 😅 I want peonies