This is really funny but my son does potty every time I sit down to have lunch or dinner. How many of you mothers have also faced this?

Guess you're not the only one...Everytime before we leave the house, wants to tale transport or even over meals etc, I would normally ask my LO to fo toilet 1st. Somehow or rather, my LO still wants to go again. I reckon maybe drink more water than usually or previously not fully release. There are times where really no toilet, then got to ask my LO to wait of possible. If really cant, I always standby plastic bags just incase, for emergency use. But if its pass motion, then really no choice. My #1 is toilet trained so can tell when needed. #2 on diaper. If diaper still can hold will try to hold awhile.
Read moreIt's bizarre but it is true that this is a thing that majority of mothers can relate too. When initially my daughter used to do this, I was puzzled that why it happens overtime I sit to eat my lunch or dinner, but then my mother-in-law used to laugh and say that all kids do this. Thankfully, my husband has too taken up turns to clean her up whenever he was around. So, hey, you are definitely not alone, there must be numerous raising hand to your question.
Read moreI think it's quite common, my kids does potty at all the criterial time, like halfway through the movie, halfway through the meals, when the taxi came, etc. If the smell is still bearable and movie finishing soon, i will wait awhile later than clean up.
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Mine! I always settle and feed my LO first. And I only start eating after they are done with their meal. That's when they wanna potty because maybe they ate too full?!
Trying to give u extra dishes to go with the main course I Guess. Mine does hers after food aka Chinese say waste money... Eat already s***.