My husband blames me that i do not know my role and responsibilities as a wife just cos ............

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Poor thing you... Let the marriage counselling run it's course because BOTH have to be there and you'll have your say there and then. You have a right to have a roof over your head, your own room, your own kitchen, your own toilet basically basic privacy if he IS actually able to provide. Do also think of renting if you've already applied and awaiting for BTO keys. Look up PPHS. He has to come to terms that you are his first priority because he chose to get married and take up a responsibility of being a husband if he's not ready, kahwin buat apa? buat anak je? When you are at your in laws.. where do you sleep? are they all male there? then you deserve your own room and he has to STEP UP as a husband and realise that you have NEED for privacy. not want. If you have your own room at your mom's place that is better for the both of you. Both parties have to communicate and get through this s hurdle. not just you alone. there has to be some teamwork. praying for you.

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