I am in my week 11 pregnancy and planning to take booster dose for COVID, Is it safe to take it now?

I've check with my gynae, and she deemed it's safe to take. I took mine at week10 Pfizer as my previous 2 was Pfizer and had no side effect. hence, gynae recommend to continue take the same vaccination.
lol. Most of the doctors say its safe. But if anything happen, they will also say that prob is not causing by the vac. When u have probs, it's too late.
I took my booster when I was 6 weeks pregnant. Gynae said its fine. I just had mild fever, soreness at injection site.
Techincally safe but better ask your doctor for confirmation. My doc said to wait until 2nd trimester to be safe.
hi..I took it during my second trimester..so far we r fine..I am in 3rd trimester...
Best to confirm with doctor.. but that time the doctor told me once I can take just go
Check with ur gyane. I took in 22nd week after gyane approved.
Dr told me to take after first trimester
best to take after first trimester