7 Replies

hey momma, here is what i did and in fact, i have lost more than 20 kg in 2 years without going to a gym, but just following simple and effective ways at home that are healthy too. make sure you are consistent in your approach and dont give up. 1. cut out sugar 2. reduce and completely lower salt intake 3. no fizzy drinks - reduce or quit alcohol 4. reduce or quit fats such as ghee, butter and fried foods 5. eat last meal by 7pm 6. exercise exercise exercise - i walk for 8-10 km daily and also do a lot of crunches, planks and different variations of these, plus skipping 7. have lots of water

I'm sure you mean no sweet drinks instead of no fizzy drinks... things like fizzy mineral water are fine :)

Hi Nazia, I suggest have a diet plan for yourself. Reduce the intake of carbs and fat and be high on proteins. Also, practice yoga to reduce postpartum weight. Or go for walks. But whatever you do, be consistent if you are seeking results. You have to be consistent as yoga is not like gymming that in 10 days you would see results. The best part of yoga is that it will not only help you in losing weight but will also calm you mentally.

thanks shruti...really try to work on it...

Hello, You can lose weight by brisk walking everyday. Watching your diet. Doing yoga exercises. Gymming, swimming or playing any sport. I am sharing a few links with you where you can pick up a few exercises for losing weight. http://www.thefitindian.com/yoga-poses-to-lose-weight-after-pregnancy/ http://www.fitpregnancy.com/exercise/postnatal-workouts/5-yoga-poses-flat-abs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AttblmRzito

thanks chetna

cut out carbs every alternate day and stop eating breads, pav, burgers and the like. reduce your salt and sugar intake and definitely no aerated drinks. also, start exercising every day. you can start by walking jogging or running, whatever suits you, but do it every day.

VIP Member

Diet plays a part, Cut down on sugar and carbohydrates. These two will turn into fats if we didn't exercsie. Simple cardio exercise you can do at home. But please ensure your body has fully recovered from labour before proceeding into doing exercise.

There is no short cut to losing weight. Exercise is a minor portion. Diet is the key. You are what you eat. Just my opinion.

agreed...even not asking for short cut jst queried for d steps which should be easily followed while performing our daily task..as advised by debolina raja...really hats off to d lady ..i really started admiring her..to be consistent towards her goal of losing wt..

Sure. It's just my two cents dear =) all the best.

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