hi mummy. for formula u have to trial and error. as long as baby doesn't vomit, diarrhea or hard stools. for my three kids, they were on dumex dulac since newborn. my personal suggestion: 1) dumex dulac 2) lactogen 3) frisolac gold 4) similac 5) nan 6) s26
i cant breastfeed due to long term medications.. hence, im giving my child Karihome Goat's Milk 0-12months.. easy digestion and boost immune system.. Goat's milk are not heaty too. 😊
tried many... mamil good enough
Dumex ducolax - cheap & good
I give dugro dumex
Nan SupremePro HA
I gave Frisolac
Grow ☝🏻
Abortt Grow