I would want to be quarantined at ...

If you could pick a place for your quarantine, where would it be?

I would want to be quarantined at ...
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At a shopping mall please. There’s supermarket, clothes, entertainment, toilets, ahhh what else could I ask for? 🤪

Super Mom

New Zealand or Switzerland but with local food! Haha 5/6 star hotel locally also good!

Big Villa with great view, swimming pool, a helper and lots of flowering plants

Thành viên VIP

Villa with swimming pool, billard/pool table, darts, karaoke room, cinema room!

Matt Damon is stranded in rural Ireland village. Man, I don’t mind that

Place with open air and strong internet :)

Thành viên VIP

anywhere with nice food and great view

Anywhere with amazing internet

A cottage in Switzerland haha

Anywhere with my family 🥰