Pedicure ?

Is pedicure allowed during 12 weeks of pregnancy. And a feet massage ?

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The chemicals might be harmful for your baby so best is to avoid. Also, no feet massage before 20 weeks. Not all knows where to avoid the massage point of a pregnant woman and it might also trigger the contractions if wrongly massage.

foot massage is nono through out.... as the main acupoints are there...and it leads to miscarriage or induce labour....pedicure i did..... but the therapist doest wanna put any colours on my they contains toxic elements

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i did my meni n pedi during 1st n 2nd trimester. foot massage most of time coz of swollen leg n water retention.

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I did. for foot massage I will inform them I'm pregnant

I did both from 1st trimester.

Thành viên VIP

I did from first till last trimester

Yes I did