Hello parents, what is your favorite brand milk power for 6 months above? Thank you in advance for sharing!

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My kids love Friso . Now my youngest is turning 7 yo , he’s still taking Friso . You may want to request for a sample before purchase a tin. https://shop.friso.com.sg/english/sampleproduct/sampleproduct/view/1?utm_expid=.upT65tJBS3G4pFstZf7vTg.1&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fshop.friso.com.sg%2Fenglish%2Ffriso-gold-3%2Ffriso-gold-3-1800g.html

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my both kids are taking Friso milk since baby. had did try others brand . but end up both still choose froso . no constipation . and they drink alot too . .

My baby favorite is Friso after trying all sort of brands' sample. NO constipation problem and was he was 75% on the growth chart. Happy baby

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My kids are taking Friso since baby.. No allergy or constipation issue. So far we are happy with Friso, never tried other brand before.

I have been using Friso.. Easy transition from breast milk..no constipation..u can request for sample to try too