Stiching up after birth

Hi, Is it painful when gynae stitches up your below after natural birth?

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Super Mom

If you’re under epidural, there’s no pain. Otherwise, they’ll usually inject local anaesthesia before stitching. Might be a little uncomfortable, but to me, it’s nothing compared to the delivery itself. Haha. In fact, I was quite relaxed even though I could feel everything.

4y trước

hi. why does everyone said with epi will not feel pain? I was on epi and experienced a very traumatizing pain, could feel every single thing :((((

You wont feel too much even when gynae is stitching u up. Post-delivery - yes. But u are prescribed painkillers. It's tolerable and way more than contractions. :)

4y trước

Because you would have just gone through more intense pain (during delivery) with or without pain relief (effect also varies for individuals). Therefore, after your successful vaginal delivery, you wont feel much.

I was on epidural so i didnt feel the pain. Which i am so thankful for as my treshold for pain is zero. I resisted at first but i just can't.

A question i always wanted to know. Many have advised is really nothing compared to the pain of childbirth.

Thành viên VIP

It is not painful during the stitching if you are on epidural. It is the post recovery :(

Thành viên VIP

Yes even with epidural I could feel discomfort. Non total painless but not crazy painful

Yes for me. It’s also very uncomfortable. Maybe cos I don’t have epidural

4y trước

Yes still bearable. I feel the after effect is more painful as compared to the time when doc is doing the stitches. The pain will last for few weeks. Remember to wash your wound with warm water and pat it dry after every toilet visit.

Thành viên VIP

The pain is bearable. Tbh, you’ll be distracted by baby by then.

My wife felt bearable even she was not on epidural.

was on epidual, so didnt feel anything