Which is better: Pacifier or Thumb?

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Which is better: Pacifier or Thumb?
63 Replies
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Thành viên VIP

Neither.. why should we allow those to our kids .. is it really necessary to sooth them , I have never used anything n my boy was completely normal

Pacifier - easier to "stop" this behaviour like when they're asleep, can attempt to remove so that they are not totally dependent on it.

pacifier. when it’s time to wean off just take it away, u can’t take their thumb away right? n thumb sucking makes indents

Super Mom

Both are fine with me although my baby didn't like any pacifier and didn't really suck thumb either

Thành viên VIP

Neither .. my kid haven’t put anything in his mouth n he is fine

Thành viên VIP

Pacifier of coz as pacifier can be remove or cut but thumb can’t

Pacifier. Thumb exerts an active force will cause dental problems

Both if forgotten or lost at least still got thumb to suck

Thumb. It trains motor skills too.

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None, i don't train them to use.