Our son has decided to wake in the middle of the night randomly and won't go back to sleep (9 out of 10 nights he sleeps through). He will kick and scream until you take him out of bed. Do you have any advice on what to do in this situation? I usually calm him down on my bed, sing to him, lie down myself until he lies down too. But once I pick him back up to go to bed, the whole kicking-and-screaming starts all over again.

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if he is suddenly going through this phase, i would suggest try co-sleeping for some time. it will help make him more secure and ease him to sleep better. try massaging him on the back and head while gently talking to him. keep him in your arms for some time till he calms down, and talk to him in a soft soothing voice. i know it takes a lot of patience, but just hang in there. i experienced this with both my kids and soon the phase passed.

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